Where does the energy go? Scanning ourselves
Have you ever woken up with a single thought of going back to sleep? You don't do anything in particular, yet feel listless and exhausted? Lack of energy to deal with work and home matters efficiently and with pleasure even after a long week-end?
Each of us generates and spends tons of energy every day. If the energy does not feed our life and activities, it is important to figure out where it goes and how to "switch off" the processes that involuntarily "feed into it".
There are several steps which can help us address lack of energy.
The first one, something you can do by yourself, is called "scanning". To do scanning you will need 10-15 minutes alone with yourself – switch off your phone notifications and in the peace and quiet listen to yourself and your answers to the following questions.
Start with basics: how well did you sleep last night? how well do you eat? how much alcohol do drink? how hard do you work? Quite often, we suspect that the reasons for our anxiety and low energy are some complicated emotions, and don’t pay attention to the fact that our physical needs are simply not satisfied, for instance, we have been terribly underslept during the week. If you identify a "hole" on the basic level, think about real steps that can help rectify the situation right away. Even if it seems that you can never find an extra hour in a day for meals or sleep, nothing is impossible – just don't be afraid to ask for help and think of unique solutions.
When you have the basic level sorted out, move up a level. Try clearing your mind for a few minutes: quite possibly you will hear "buzzing" in the area that indeed occupies your thoughts. A fight with your mother or girlfriend? Problems at work? Anxiety caused by outstanding debt or unsolved problem? Remember that energy follows the thoughts. If there is a place that you unconsciously come back to over and over again, then it is better to stop ignoring it and channel your attention there to sort it out out as soon as possible so that it stops "sucking" your energy. It is definitely not worth being angry with a rude taxi driver – he is not the one you would want to give your energy to, instead better talk to your mother or write to your partner you've been missing. Tarot can help you stop worrying about solving an unexpected situation at work – together we will look at possible scenarios and how you should behave so you will finally channel energy from the exhausting "worrying" to the productive "doing".
Another major energy "thief" could be our circle and the environment we live in. To read more on how to create an energy safe environment, follow the link.
It also happens that you can’t identify where the energy escapes. Sometimes, we are so exhausted that we simply have no "resources" to search and find. It might also be that our subconsciousness "hides" the energy consuming process from us. Tarot is especially indispensable in moments like this – finding something that is hidden from us and revealing what we don't know yet is what cards do best.
Don't wait until worries, hurt, problems and anxiety get the best of you – love yourself, take care of the energy safety and never discard help if you need it.