Which wolf are we feeding?
An old Indian story says that a constant fight is going on inside our soul, a fight between two wolves. One of them represents evil: envy, jealousy, egotism, anger and lies. The other one is for the good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. Winning in this eternal fight is the wolf that you feed.
This story is true in relation to many aspects of our life, but today I would like to use it in the context of our relations with money.
Many of us, due to the cultural codes we live in, stereotypes and convictions, characteristic for us and our relatives, have gotten used to thinking that money is something dirty, dangerous, unnecessary and evil. Very often we are embarrassed to talk about money as if it was something shameful. We are worried that money will bring us fights with loved ones, tribulations and dangers.
But money as it is not an evil wolf as our stereotypes portray.
Money is a resource, some kind of "food', and it is up to us which wolf to feed with it.
Having become successful and wealthy, a person is able to create opportunities of success for others. New jobs, new inventions, charity, support of culture and art – everything becomes possible when money feeds the "good" wolf. I am not saying that money should be made for altruistic purposes only – the plane rule "place your oxygen mask on yourself first before helping children" works here as well. Just think about it – who can you help if you are unsuccessful, miserable and in need of assistance yourself?
Money can, certainly, bring and serve evil. Like a kitchen knife, which can both kill and cut bread to feed someone. But isn't it absurd to hate all knives in the world just because they are sharp?
Why is it so important to have the right concept of money?
When we routinely repeat "I am a loser", "I cannot afford it", "money is evil", "you can only accumulate by stealing in this country", we convince our subconsciousness of the same. In its turn, it starts acting upon those convictions. We can give all the interviews in the world and read all the self-help books available, but our subconsciousness will filter out all the opportunities, meetings and chances that the world offers us. If you work on your convictions, allowing for your wishes to come true, accepting the opportunities and being open to new meetings and chances, you will be amazed how much your life can change.
Let us together find ways to feed your "good" wolf.